Estate Planning Quiz
You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live.
Do I Need an Estate Plan Review?
Many individuals are unsure as to whether or not they need to do any estate planning. Below is a simple set of ten questions to help determine whether you are in need of an estate planning review.
- Do you have a Will or Trust? (Yes/No)
- Do you rent your home? (Yes/No)
- Do you have a Power of Attorney for Financial Matters? (Yes / No)
- Do you have a Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions? (Yes / No)
- Do you have a Living Will? (Yes/No)
- Have your estate planning documents (Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney been prepared or reviewed in the last five years? (Yes / No)
- Are all of the beneficiaries of your estate over 18 years old? (Those you want to inherit from you when you die)? (Yes/No)
- Are all of the beneficiaries of your estate without disabilities? (Not receiving any type of government assistance.) (Yes/No)
- Do you want your estate to go to probate court after your death? (Yes/No)
- Have you done any type of planning for long-term care? (Yes/No)
If you answered “No” to any of these questions, you should have an estate planning review.
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